Note that Google Lens works only when you login with Google account and your device must be connected to a network.
Method 1: touch the “Camera” app -> touch the Google Lens icon

Method 2: press and hold the home button

Method 3: touch the “Photos” app -> select a photo -> touch the Google Lens icon

When you open the Google lens viewfinder, the lens will continually analyze what you see to show you results in real time. Options include:
1) Scan text: Look up a word, save contact info, copy text: dates, and address.
2) Shop Smarter: Find products & compare prices, search similar products: try clothing and furniture.
3) Discover new places: Get info on points of interest.
4) Identify Plants and Animals: Try flowers and dog breeds.
5) Discover Books & Media: Try books, movies, music albums, and video games.
6) Scan Codes: Try barcodes and QR codes