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F Series
The faster maximum spin which removes more water from washing to significantly reduce the dry time.
The incredibly convenient feature that allows you to select when you want your washing cycle to finish. Set your finish time for up to 24 hours in advance. Simply decide when you need your cycle to end and the washing machine will automatically calculate the starting time.
Add Garment
How frustrating is it when you put the washing machine on and discover a stray sock on the stairs? Not anymore. The Add Garment function lets you quickly drop in anything extra during the wash.
TCL's powerful spray wash is an automatic cleaning system for your washing machine that is activated at the end of each wash cycle. Not only does this ensure a more hygienic wash for your laundry, it also improves the durability of your machine in the long term.
Quick Wash
Clean and freshen your clothes in 20 minutes.
The 95°C antibacterial wash is more effective at eliminating bacteria and allergens from your laundry, offering a greater degree of protection to you and your family.
XL LED Display
Larger LED display for easier operating and viewing the status of your wash cycle.
Autorsko pravo © 2024 TCL. Sva prava pridržana
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Potrebni kolačići ključni su za funkcionalnost ove web stranice. Možete ih onemogućiti promjenom postavki preglednika, ali to može utjecati na funkcioniranje web stranice.
Kolačići izvedbe prikupljat će informacije o tome kako koristite web stranicu i omogućiti nam da nastavimo poboljšavati funkcioniranje naše web stranice.
Ovi kolačići prate vaše navike pregledavanja kako bismo vam mogli prikazati oglašavanje i sadržaj za koji se nadamo da je relevantan vašim interesima
Koristimo kolačiće, uključujući kolačiće trećih strana, za analizu upotrebe web mjesta, pomažu nam da poboljšamo web mjesto i personaliziramo sadržaj ili oglase. Molimo pogledajte naš Obavijest o kolačićima. Možete odabrati gornje kategorije kolačića ako želite dopustiti.